We like to keep things simple. So here is our GDPR Privacy policy and our commitment to you.
If you sign up for our newsletter.
We will keep your information (Email and Names only) on record for 3 years.
Electronically in Mailchimp, If you signed up at an event the paper copy will be shredded and you will be entered in to Mailchimp.
You can decline emails at any time using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any newsletter sent or by sending us a requested to do so.
Your information is never given to a 3rd party.
If you attend one of our tours
We keep all your information for 5 years from your last tour.
This is kept under password in electronic format. All paper copies of information is shredded after use.
We only pass on the information that each party needs to provide a smooth service to you.
Hotels, require your name and room requirements *
Coach company, name and pickup points with a telephone number in case of emergency. *
Boarder control, name and passport details (in some cases date of birth)
Tour leader, They have 2 paper forms. One contains, name, pick up and telephone number. The second is a copy of the same information for boarder control. Both copies are shredded after use. They also have access to the password protected information during the tour only
*this information is sent electronically and is password protected. We also ask that they do not pass your information on to any other parties and they have in place a privacy policy.
You can ask us to remove any information we have on you at any time and request to see what information we hold. Please do this via email info@thirstconsultants.com. We will respond with in 7 days
Payments and invoicing
We use QuickBooks for our financial transactions. This is password protected and only accessed by the parties authorised to do so for the smooth running of the business.
Card and payment details, any thing on paper is shredded and all card numbers given over the phone are shredded once used.
The only records of these are held by Paypal and are password protected.
NOTE: this is a living document, it is subject to adaption as we improve our service to you and as the law requires. If you have any questions about any privacy issue or require clarification please contact us and we will be happy to help info@thirstconsultants.com
In case of a data breach, we will inform you and the relevant government bodies.